Sunday, November 6, 2011

Aren't I supposed to write stuff on here?

I have come to the realization that I am the world’s worst blogger. I started this blog when I went on an ‘adventure.’ Kenya was definitely an adventure. I found great joy in blogging about my time there and providing my small base of readers with pictures. I have not however been able to bring myself to write about the everyday mundane things that happen to me. I have never felt that my everyday life was worth reading about… it’s pretty normal.

So now, I’m going to fix that. I am making a new resolution. Yes, I know that’s something you usually wait until the beginning of the year to do, but since I’m making my way back to North Carolina, I think it would be appropriate to start now. The resolution is this: take a picture each day of my adventures.

I’m hoping this resolution with do three things for me. First, I’m hoping it will make me blog more about my life, get my creative juices flowing. Second, I’m hoping that it will help me to find the adventure of everyday life. Third, I’m kind of hoping it will make me a better photographer.

Start looking for my new posts!


1 comment:

Jonathan Kremer said...

Glad that my "I've updated the look of your blog" post isn't the newest one anymore.