Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another project complete! (February 28)

I have recently started a BUNCH of projects and hadn't finished many of them. So I've been on a finishing streak. I have posted about a bunch of my finished projects, but this is my favorite, it only took me 2 days to finish it! I laid it all out on the 26th (as you can see in my previous post) and finished sewing late last night.

Here is the finished personalized snuggie. Remember to use an iron and a sewing machine... two things I didn't have.

Haircut!!!!! (February 27)

I was WAY overdue for a haircut, like WAAAAAAAY overdue. My hair was looking HORRIBLE. So I splurged on a new do. $36 (including tip) for a decent cut from a level one stylist. Anna was a great stylist and a good conversationalist. I had a lot of fun while she cut my hair. And I think it turned out really well.

I took this in the car right after the cut in order to show Ludwig his new girl!

What do you think?

Personalize your snuggie! (February 26)

So I had a whole bunch of t-shirts laying around that I don't wear anymore. I can't get rid of them though because they mean something to me. Some are shirts for my favorite sport's team's victories. Others are from high school clubs, others still gifts from people that are important to me. I know I'm not going to wear these shirts anymore, so what is the point of keeping them? Memories of course, but what to do with them?

A lot of people make t-shirt quilts. I think that's a wonderful idea, but I don't know how to quilt, and if I learned, I'm SURE I wouldn't have the patience for it. So instead, I cut up the shirts and put the important parts on my plain blue Snuggie.

I plan to sew these onto the snuggie, therefore personalizing it. I would suggest that if you want to do this to one of your old blankets that you use an iron and a sewing machine (folding over the edges of the t-shirts to avoid those pesky threads). However, I don't have the patience for folding, and I don't own an iron or a sewing machine. So my finished product will be all sewn by hand and will definitely LOOK handmade ;D

Better DIY (February 25)

Not a better DIY than yesterday's, but better than the previous DIYs of the same sort. I found a tutorial for fabric-ing boxes. So I used the tutorial and created a blanket box for the blankets taking up space in Ludwig's closet!

I did not however put a cute little bow on it... maybe one day!

DIY project (February 24)

So Ludwig has TONS of plastic grocery bags. He uses them to bring lunch to work, so they are nice to have around. However, they take up a lot of space!!! I was sick of it! So I cleaned out an old clorox style wipes container, dressed it up with scrapbook paper (cut to size) and folded the plastic bags to stuff inside. Now we have a cute, small storage container for all those plastic grocery bags.

There are many tutorials on how to fold grocery bags, but I found mine here.

There are about 30 grocery bags in there!

H20 (February 23)

Ludwig and I started a diet a while back. We have also started working out every day (with break days). We both really want to lose those extra pounds we are carrying around. Even without weight loss, we feel the better nutrition and exercise will improve our quality of life. I hadn't lost any weight since we started a week ago and was feeling a little disheartened. However, I made sure that I didn't quit by steeling myself to drink an entire bottle of water. (I HATE water, so this is a real feat for me).

I am very proud of myself. And as a side note, since then I have lost 2 pounds!

Beauty (February 22)

It rains in Washington... like a lot! Really, it's more like all the time. However, VERY OCCASIONALLY there is a beautiful day (even though it's still very cold), and that turns into a beautiful night. If it weren't so cold, I would have done my homework on Lduwig's patio and watched this beautiful sky.

I know you can't really see the sunset, but the rest of the sky is still gorgeous.

Oops! (February 21)

I didn't take a picture today and I have no idea what I was doing... oops!

Back in Middle School (February 20)

I spent the day doing schoolwork... again! I got bored, and drew this on my leg.

Yeah, that happened... at least he loves me too!

Vroom! (February 19)

Ludwig and I took our first motorcycle trip this morning before he went to work! We rode a half hour to Monroe Washington and then up and down Ben Howard Road. This road has tons of turns and curves, it's a LOT of fun and helps you become more comfortable with leaning the bike over through curves.

The map doesn't look like it, but if you look it up, you can zoom in and see how curvy it is!

Winnie the Pooh (February 18)

Okay okay, I didn't dog sit winnie the pooh today, but I did take care of Winston! He is such a cute little puppy that my friends Jimmy and Megan got a few weeks ago. He has already gotten so big!! I had a blast with him all day!

He climbed up on top of me and tuckered out!

Super Nintendo (February 17)

I attempted to sell a Super Nintendo and some games on Craig's List and ran into an unexpected problem. EVERYONE WANTS IT! Including my family. Goodness. I could have sold it for a decent chunk of change, but evidently my younger brother wanted it. So it turns out I'm hauling it down to NC in March.

I took this picture to upload onto Craig's List AFTER I posted the ad. I had three e-mails before I even took the picture.

Victimization of Women (February 16)

I started a new class this week, about the Victimization of Women. Today, I was listening to the lectures for the first week of class and found out that at one point in history, the instrument I played in high school would have made me a prostitute.

No crude jokes please... I was appalled.

Pintervention (February 15)

I can't take credit for the term I used in the title. I spent the day pinning all of my bookmarks to Pinterest. I found that Pinterest is a much better source for organizing and recognizing my bookmarks. It took me all day to pin my bookmarks and I flooded my followers' homepage with new pins, BUT I managed it. However, I did not think about changing my e-mail settings on Pinterest. So when I logged in to gmail... I was greeted with this.

P.S. My friend Megan Tagg coined "pintervention." She informed me that I needed one ;D

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day (February 14)

So this is the first time I have ever had a boyfriend on Valentine's Day and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. This holiday is much better when you have someone to share it with. A good friend of mine wrote about this day of love and it's critics, and I think it's worth reading.

So my man surprised me with flowers, chocolates, a candle and a love note. I cried when I read the love note, it was soooooo sweet!

I only got the chocolates 6 hours before this picture was taken... I think I'm gonna get a stomach ache.

Wedding Flowers? (February 13)

Found a possibility for centerpieces at my far into the future wedding.

Polka dots, maybe it's too southern...

It's a boy!!! (February 12)

YAY! I was right! Today was the gender party for my sister's unborn child. The doctor wrote the sex of the baby on paper and it was given to a baker. No one else saw the gender of the baby before today. Everyone at the party (38 people) wore either blue or pink depending on their guess of the gender. I was skyped in for the cutting of the cake. The inside of the cake was blue!! I have a nephew on the way (as well as my niece which should be here any day).

The picture below was my view of the cake cutting.

If you would like, you can see a video of Brianna and Jon's reaction to the blue cake.

Also, Ludwig passed his motorcycle tests today! He now has a motorcycle endorsement!!!

We went to outback to celebrate, and built a house of coasters.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sexual Development (February 11)

Seriously, that's what I spent the day on. Learning about sexual development and STDs and other such things. I'll leave it to your imagination and only included the title page of my notes as my picture of the day.

Lola (February 10)

I spent the day with Ludwig's cat, Lola. She is so adorable.

I've never been a cat person, but I have to admit, she is pretty low maintenance.

Finished Product (February 9)

I only finished one of the chairs, but this is what all of them will look like, much better than the original, don't you think?



More puppy! (February 8)

Ludwig and I visited the puppy again! He's all tuckered out! But STILL so cute!!!

New Puppy! (February 7)

Okay okay, no new puppy for ME! But my friends Megan and Jimmy got a new puppy! His name is Winston, he is a Black Lab and soooo cute!

The picture above was taken when I visited him. He was crawling all over my lap!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Progress! (February 6)

Gave the man a haircut, isn't he cute!!!

AND!!!!! I painted one of the chairs!

Superbowl and Quelf! (February 5)

First of all, congratulations to the Giants on a win over the Patriots.

Now on to the hilarity!! Played Quelf with Megan and Jimmy (and of course Ludwig). Glad they had as much fun as I did!

Decorate!!! (February 4)

Ludwig had the day off, so I finally convinced him to decorate his apartment!! My favorite decoration is pictured below. That will be his family someday too!!!

We also primed 3 of the dining room chairs!!!

I won't pull out my hair! (February 3)

Sometimes I really hate school! Heck, most of the time I hate school!

Note: While I dislike schoolwork, I'm so glad I'm finishing my degree!

Big Project Time (February 2)

A while back, Ludwig bought a table and chairs off of Craig's List. While the chairs started out black, they were in awful condition (appearance wise). The seat cushions were all sorts of different colors, my favorites (read: least favorites) being the orange and red combo!! So, it's time to repaint, and re-upholster! I will paint them black and I picked out an adorable patterned fabric for the cushions.

Today I started the sanding process... UGH!

Here is a before picture of one chair!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

DIY: Fringe Scarf! (February 1)

I found a tutorial on Pinterest for making a fringe scarf out of an old t-shirt. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it (I'm still not positive) but I figured, it was a t-shirt I was gonna throw out anyway, so why not!

Here is a link to the tutorial.

Here is my process. (I would suggest ironing the shirt first, I had a lot of trouble with the wrinkles in my shirt.)

I think I'm going to make more alterations to the scarf once I'm done with this post, maybe cut higher up, make the strands smaller, etc. Who knows, I might end up really liking it!

The Mall (January 31)

Had a fun day hanging out with Megan! She took me to the Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood. It was much nicer than the mall in Everett.

I bought some adorable socks for 95 cents a pair, and a wedding present for my friend Dana (I'm so honored to be a bridesmaid in her wedding in March!)

However, there was a problem in JCPenny, someone doesn't know how to do math.

70% off of 10 dollars is NOT 14.96.

Also, I found out that Ludwig can use the accupressure back mat on his feet!! I can't stand on that thing, it hurts too much!!!

Lists (January 30)

I love lists, if I could make a list for everything in my life, I would. But since that isn't feasible, I stick to lists for certain days. Such as today. I had a lot to do today, errands, cooking, cleaning (I do all of these for my boyfriend since he is helping pay for my school and my food, etc.- but I would probably do them for him anyway, cause let's face it, I'm better at it than he is).

So I made a list of some of the things I needed to do.

Only problem is that the brakes on the car took 4 hours!!! I had to wait in the tiny little lobby for FOUR hours!!! Oh well, I watched a bunch of episodes for property virgins. It made me think about buying a house with Ludwig one day! Can't wait for that day!

Kado's Back! (January 29)

Yesterday my dad and I traveled down to Portland to get my motorcycle. We didn't think it would be a good idea if I tried to ride it back up to Washington, so we hauled it in the back of my dad's truck. I'm so happy Kado is back!!!

Here is the only picture I could get of it while hauling it, yay Kado!

However, that was all yesterday! So today I rode Kado!! It took some premium gasoline to get it started, but it worked! I went for a LONG ride! So much fun!!! I even stopped in Boeing's parking lot to say hi to my boo while he was working!