Saturday, April 28, 2012

Camping In Style.

Okay, the camping trip.  But not just the family camping trip, our Easter Egg game as well.  For anyone who has heard about this game, you will understand the pictures below.  If you haven't... it's funnier if I leave you in dark. 

I have so many pictures from this trip, thanks to Katie Stanton (you can see more of her work here). Due to the large amount of pictures, I am just going to post them with descriptions and allow them to do the work of blogging for me! 

For your viewing pleasure: 

                                                                       More Amber!

                                           Chris (Becker's Boyfriend) with his pup Chloe. 

                                                Chloe on the lake.  Beautiful picture!
Misc. Pictures
                                                       Bryce in the sleeper hammock.

                                            Mom and Rusty taking care of Maddie Moore!

                                                                    Feeding Maddie.

                                                Aunt Britt taking care of her new niece!!
Baby Game
                                                  What baby item is in the bag? game

                                                  What baby item is in the bag? game

                                               Match the socks as fast as you can game.

                                               Match the socks as fast as you can game.

                                                                   Price is right!

                                             Bailey and Brandon matching prices to items.

                                      Breezy matching prices to items, Jon watching her do it.
Sister Pictures
Love this picture of the four sisters looking at their new family member. 

Timeline picture: Becker- college, Britt- soon to be married, Breezy-soon to be mom, Bailey- new mom
Couple Portraits 
Mom and Rusty

                                                                   Becker and Chris

                                                                     Breezy and Jon

                I was jealous of everyone getting their couple pictures done... so this is me and Ludwig
                           Here I'm supposed to be kissing him... but I think I'm kissing a trash bag.

Since this post has gotten reaaaallllly long, I have decided to post the pictures of the Easter Egg game in another post.  Stay tuned for them, I promise they are worth it! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

D-Money's Wedding!!!

Okay, so it's definitely been a while since I've posted. But I have great excuses! I will do my best to get caught up on the major events ASAP! The first of the major events is my good friend Dana Miller Carlson's wedding. She is still listed as Dana Miller in my phone, I may drag my feet a little on changing that one. While I love that she is married to the man of her dreams... it's hard to break the habit of calling her Miller.

The wedding was in Raleigh, so I flew in on Wednesday night to make sure I was there for the festivities. Thursday night was the beginning. We all met at the maid of honor's apartment to have snacks and shower D-money with gifts before heading to dinner in downtown Raleigh. An interesting gentleman showed up at the apartment to join us. His name... Juan. His profession... well, let's not talk about that.

After dinner we took our new friend Juan to explore downtown Raleigh with us, in particular the North Carolina State University. We photographed the escapades and I have provided you with select pictures below. We may or may not have involved complete strangers in our pictures...
Our first stop was the Mayview house. I wonder what our crotchety neighbor would think?

We asked some passerby to take a picture of our party van.

Next stop: Belltower. Juan did some very inappropriate things here.

This NCSU man said he hoped we didn't get his ugly pants in the picture.

This young man didn't know where to put his cigarette while performing the A, so we told him to put it in his mouth!!!

After taking this picture with us, this NCSU student said "I'm so glad I go here!"

After returning home that night, I crashed. The next morning I was up at 8am and off to get my nails did at 9. It was so nice of Dana to pay for all her bridesmaid's to get pretty-fied for her big day.

The maid of honor and I drying our pretty nails!

I don't have any other pictures from the day before (at least not ones I want to share... I don't take good pictures!) But the rest of the day was a dizzy of hotel mishaps (our rooms weren't ready) and rehearsal. At dinner I made new friends in the groomsmen and keyboard player. I very much enjoyed the rehearsal and the dinner! Gotta love a bride who makes her party feel loved!

The day of the wedding was not nearly as crazy as I thought it would be. Dana was calm and collected all morning. She got her hair and makeup done. I had another bridesmaid do my hair, and I attempted my own makeup... hmmmm. The rain cleared up before pictures and everything went off without a hitch (that we know of!) Take a look at the pictures below to see how wonderful the day was!

The beautiful bride on her way to the chapel!

The bride and her maid of honor!

After the ceremony the bride and groom went downstairs to get Dana's dress bustled. This is the picture on the way back up, I love how the groom is staring at his new bride!

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Carlson!!! Aren't they an adorable couple!?!?!? They are gonna make such cute babies... oops, little early for that talk!

The bride with all her bridesmaids. What a goofy bunch we were, of course this was also taken rather close to the end of the night!

I'm so happy from my friend Dana and her new husband Ryan. I wish them all the joy life can bring them! Congratulations again on your beautiful marriage Dana and Ryan!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Neat Giveaway!

Okay, so I'm behind on posting, but while you are waiting for me to catch up on my friend's wedding and my visit to NC, take a look at this contest! It only takes a few minutes to enter!

Sign up, you never know, you could be the winner of 500 bucks!!!