Thursday, September 25, 2008

This is it!!!!!

Okay everyone... this is it!

My last post before I leave for Kenya! I am BEYOND EXCITED!!!

Don't forget to check out while we are in country for updates.

Then, check out my blog when I get back for details of my experience!

Thanks for all the prayers and support!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In case you wanted to know...

Alright everyone, it's official!! My youngest sister (and sibling) is going off to college... in a year that is.

She got two acceptance letters yesterday, one to ECU and one to WCU. She has made the wise decision of ECU, since she wants to be a surgeon. So, she mailed off a deposit, and will be preparing for college over the next 10 months.

My parents... are counting down the days till they can start partying!!! 6 down, 1 to go!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Busy like a Beaver...

Okay... that was really corny... and just plain bad.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a week. Things have been beyond insane for me right now. I only have 3 days til I leave for Kenya... and I still have two tests, a paper and a lit review due!

So, I can't post much right now. BUT, I will say this...
That is the only blog that will be updated while I am in Kenya with my team. When I get back I will post day by day entries detailing my experiences on this blog. But until then, make sure you stay updated.

Thanks go to everyone that has supported me on this trip. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!!!!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No longer a teen!

Tomorrow is the day! I will finally turn 20, and will no longer be a teen.

I would like to say that means I am no longer a kid, but I'm not so sure that is true. I guess, to anyone older than me, I am still a kid.

I am excited though. I will finally be in my twenties!!!

(a side note: a have a HUGE lollipop... and it's good!!! I will always be a kid)


Friday, September 12, 2008

The move...

This year, my younger brother went off to college. Well, not really off to college since he attends NC State, just like his Big Sis. (Please don't tell him I said that...)

Anyway, he moved out of my parents house for the first time, and doesn't plan to come back. Well, I, after planning to not come back, moved back into my parents house. For the summer, I shared a bedroom with my sister Bailey. But I felt like it was time for a change (more like I couldn't get internet in the bedroom over the garage). So, I moved into my younger brother's old room.

Bryce lived in that room for almost 14 years of his life. Needless to say, it felt sort of weird to move all of my stuff into his room, but he is okay with it, so I guess I should be too.

The point of all of this is to say that... I have now lived in every bedroom of my parent's house (excluding the master of course). I find it odd. When we first moved in, my younger brother had the first room on the left, I the first on the right and Brianna and Brandon (my older siblings) were above the garage.
After my mother remarried, I shared my bedroom with two other girls. That didn't last long and I took over my older brother's room (after he left of course). Then, this summer I lived in my older sister's ex-room. Now, I inhabit Bryce's room.

Of the four of us that started here, I'm the only one that changed rooms like that. I'm beginning to wonder if it's a character flaw. Maybe that I'm just not satisfied with what I have, and I think the grass is greener on the other side. Not sure, but I'll start working on that if it's the case.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

16 Days (and 7)!!!

16 days til Kenya!!!!! That's all I have to say...

well, except that there are only 7 days until my birthday!!! uh, oh, 20!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

This trip...

I'm going to stop apologizing for lack of posting... I've decided that y'all can just deal with it! (or I'm just always sorry).

Anyway, I wanted to make a quick post about this trip. I am leaving in 18 days!!!!! 18!!!!!! Can you believe it!?!?!?! It's still insane to me. I am so NOT ready. I don't have the stuff that I need, I'm not even sure WHAT I need.

I have so much left to think about and do, it's crazy. I'm really not sure I will ever be ready... I'm just gonna have to get on the plane and go for it.

Luckily, I am traveling with an amazing team, and they will be there to guide me. As for the freaking out right now... my family members are doing their best to help. I have a pretty great group of friends that are seeing me through this... AND I have an awesome boyfriend that is putting up with the annoying and stressed out Britt!

So what I really want to say is that I am really grateful for the people God has placed in my life. I really don't know where I would be without them.

P.S. Update on being sick: I'm feeling loads better!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Upsetting News.

Okay-- so, it's not really THAT upsetting. But I just finished an assignment (a ridiculous one at that) for my Psy 220- Orientation to Psychology Course, and it left me a little down in the dumps.

For those of you that don't know, I was originally a criminology major. At the end of my freshman year, I added a psychology major. Then, that summer, I made the decision to go into ministry full time. Since I didn't think that criminology and ministry would work that well together, half-way through my 3rd semester at NCSU, I changed my first major to Public and Interpersonal Communication.
Therefore, I am now a double major in Public and Interpersonal Communcation & Psychology.

However, the sad news. I will not graduate in 8 semesters (4 years). The assignment was to plan through my graduation. Turns out, all the switching and adding majors left me pretty far behind on my requirements. I will have to take an extra semester in order to graduate.

From what I understand, it's not that uncommon, but I really wanted to graduate in four years. Looks like I still get to be a 2010 graduate though!!

I'm going to sulk some more (just kidding) and leave you to post jeering comments.

- Britt

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The many things I can't do!

Recently, I have noticed that almost everyone has some sort of list on their blog. I didn't want to be left out, so here is my list.

It is a little bit different than the other blogs. My list consists of things I wish I could do, but have actually tried and FAILED!

This is not to be pessimistic, it's actually just really funny and I thought y'all might get a kick out of it.

1) Whistle
2) Roll my tongue (I know it's genetic... so no hope there)
3) Moonwalk
4) Flip (that one hurt)
5) Raise a single eyebrow
6) Wink
7) Whistle...
8) Cross all four of my fingers
9) Crush a can on my head
10) Swim above water
11) Whistle...
12) Burp my name
13) Cry on cue
14) Chug a two liter of soda (that one hurt too)
15) Whistle... did I mention that??

Okay, so I know it's a little ridiculous, but all of those are things I really wish I could do. And the whistling thing just really gets to me.

That's all for now, maybe next post will be serious. (right...)


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Old cars...

So, again, I apologize for not posting, however, not to my general readers but to my stepfather, who so kindly pointed out that I am forcing my readers to wait. SORRY!!

Anyway, thought tonight was eventful enough to warrant a post.

First of all, tonight was my lifegroup's last night as a single group. My co-leader and I have decided that it is time to break off and create two new groups to provide space for those that really would like to join a young adult group. It is actually very exciting, but more on that later.

This afternoon, after I left my 4:30-5:45pm class, I went to the Quad for praise and worship. Since I had to leave to get ready for lifegroup, I only stayed for 25 minutes or so, but it was still very uplifting. After a few songs, I headed back over towards the parking deck so that I could jet off on errands before picking up Lauren and heading to group.

As I approached my car, I realized that my brake lights were still on. I thought that was weird, but I for some reason assumed that it meant my headlights were on (which sometimes happens because it is a dark deck). So I rushed over to the car and opened my door to turn off the headlights when I realized, 'wait, my headlights aren't on.' So, I did a little shuffle to the rear of my car, and yep, sure enough, my brake lights were still on. Thankfully, I started my car and called Brian (who else would I call in an emergency??) He encouraged me to go home and at least figure out which fuse to pull so that my battery wouldn't die.

Because I tend to listen to Brian's advice (shh, don't tell him that...), I went home. When I got home, I realized that my brake lights were no longer on. I could have just taken it as a good sign, but no, I had to be a pessimist and test it. So, I went inside and brought out an assistant (the aforementioned impatient reader). He helped me figure out that my brake lights were no longer working. Frustrated and a little scared I might get rear-ended, I sent Brian a text explaining my new predicament.

Fortunately, I still live with my parents and was able to borrow their car for the night (since, as important as I am... I had places to be ;D). I met up with Brian, and gave him the key to my car, and headed off to lifegroup. Brian diligently worked on my car (I really have no idea what he did) but he fixed my problem! Which made the status of my night shoot up a couple hundred notches.

Meanwhile, at lifegroup, I relayed the story to some of the members and one of them graciously offered her car while she was out of town. I just thought that was really cool (for lack of better diction). For the rest of the night, our group played Mab Gab and Taboo, both excellent party/gathering games, and had a BLAST! It was a great way to end a year of studying together.

I know that was an extremely long post to tell you that my car is fine AND I didn't have to spend a lot of money on it, but that event made the last 6 hours of my life seem like 24. Plus, who walks up to their car and finds that their BRAKE lights are still on, it's just bizarre.
P.S. That would have been the second time that happened to me since I bought the car.

Thanks for reading, I'm signing off!
