Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where did the time go?

So, evidently I'm really bad at this whole blogging thing. I haven't posted in FOUR DAYS! I would like to take the time to apologize to all of my avid blog readers (all three of you). Here it goes: I am SO sorry you have wasted your time, coming to my page every single day looking for updates and you got squat!
Might be a pathetic apology, but that's all I got.

Anyway, on the topic of wasting time. I sat down last night (and two nights ago) to write something on my blog, but I couldn't think of anything to write. So instead of posting a whole bunch of words, I decided to catch up on my friend's and church leader's blogs. In truth, I was just procrastinating, however I found one blog to be particularly inspiring. It was my friend (/old boss) Brandon's blog... now he can never claim that I don't read his blog, I better get some major brownie points for this.

He wrote a post entitled 'Getting Things Done'. I thought maybe I was going to get to read about all the millions of things he had accomplished in his day off or something, however I was surprised by what I read. Instead of bragging about all the things he had done, he provided a simple 'productivity management program'. It was simply writing a list of the things that need to get done... and carrying it with you everywhere... seriously, and then simply doing them (who would have thought). Anyway, the part that really got to me was under the materials. Brandon states that you need a patient mindset.

Now, to be completely honest, I missed it the first time through. However, I received a phone call while reading that paragraph and had to start over (God at work, as usual). When I read it the second time, it hit me. I wasn't even patient enough to read all the words in Brandon's blog. I was so focused on getting to the next blog so that I wouldn't miss anybody and I could still get some work done. How crazy is that?? I didn't even have time to fully appreciate his blog.

Anyway, after God's phone call (it was actually a wrong number, but I'm positive that was God's voice/divine intervention), I got to thinking. I started pondering how much time I spend doing things, getting things accomplished or taking on new projects. I mean, you should see my day planner... pretty soon, I'm going to have to start scheduling time with friends (if I have any) and bathroom trips. I know you are probably laughing, but I'm serious.

Just to give you an idea, here was my day today (amazingly not very busy, comparatively):
(1)My first two classes were cancelled.
(2)Wake up call by a wonderful voice, 10:30am-11am, Cary
(and I'm wishing it was earlier so I could have done more today)
(3)Getting ready, 11am-11:30am
(4)Driving to Raleigh
(5)Lunch with a wonderful face, 12pm, Raleigh
(6)Eating and hanging out with Brian, 12pm-1pm
(7)Dropping off my lunch partner, 1:00pm, NCSU
(8)Driving Home 1pm-1:20pm
(9)Working on Sunday's lesson for Kidspointe North, 1:20-3:30pm, Cary
(10)Discussing finances with my landlord(a.k.a Mom) 3:30-4pm
(11)Driving to NCSU 4pm-4:20pm
(12)Class, 4:30pm-5:45pm, NCSU
(13)Driving to Ashley's 5:45-6:30pm (ugh, traffic)
(14)Dropping off information and eating dinner 6:30-6:50pm, WEST Cary
(15)Driving to church, 6:50-6:55pm
(16)Kenya VBS meeting, 7-8:45pm, Crosspointe Church
(17)Driving Home, 8:55-9:35pm
(18)Working on VBS stuff, 9:35pm-10pm, East Cary
(19)Reading blogs, 10-10:30pm
(20) Writing blog and talking to Brian- rest of the night

I think I put about 60-70 miles on my car just today!!! Poor Car!!! Plus I didn't get my homework done!!!

I think I need to slow down. I really am realizing that I have too much on my plate. The problem is, once you have started doing something... whether it be leading or just helping... it is hard to give it up. I don't feel like there is anything that I can cut out of my life. Except maybe sleeping, but I have heard that isn't good in the long run.

Any suggestions for how I can slow down my life without giving up everything!?!?

Well, since I don't want to cut out sleep, or start scheduling it in for that matter... I better sign off.

Seriously, suggestions??



Brandon said...

Sweet! You read my blog! You do get major brownie points!

Managing time is one of the hardest things to do. You know I'm bad at it, look at how many times we should have hung out and didn't. Mostly, its my fault and I've always been the cause of such bad time management with my friends.

However, the one thing I have found to be useful is the prioritizing of your things to do. And I know it may sound selfish, but you need to remember that your needs come first. Britt needs to take care of Britt first. Because if Britt isn't happy, then this will eventually cause other issues such as in relationships/work, etc.

Try to take a deep breath during each day and set aside some time just for yourself. Whats the point in rushing through life, always trying to get things done, if you don't ever slow down enough to enjoy it. Writing blogs for my site, is my time. Its just a part of the day where I can sit and think about life with no other distractions. Its my escape.

Anyway, thanks for the kudos and don't slack off again! And yes, I did delete my Facebook, long story, shoot me an email sometime at massreality@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Free time goes out the window once college starts winding down haha I've already reached that point where I live by my day planner & schedule times to meet up with friends... sad but true!

I agree with what Brandon said though. The most important thing is to make sure to leave yourself some down time. Otherwise you'll drive yourself nuts!

Rusty said...

I noticed you haven't posted anything since you apologized for not posting anything. Is that supposed to be funny, Now I am sitting here at work with nothing to read, ,,,, no, no, take your time ,,,, we'll wait.