Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Coast...not the beach

Kyle and I on the coast...

Whew!!! Today was a long and exciting day...
Woke up around eight this morning and got ready within the hour. Jerry (UDW) showed up for the trip to the coast. After waking up Kyle (cousin) and making a quick car switch (for more seats), we were off.

The drive to the coast was uneventful... guess I should be thankful for that. But when we got to Cannon Beach we realized we were out of gas. That wouldn't normally be that big of a deal right, just go to a gas station and fill 'er up. Makes sense... one problem, the town had no gas stations... seriously, who does that? I couldn't believe it, we drove all through that town looking for one, nothin'. It got to the point where we were afraid we wouldn't make it to the next town for gas... luckily, we did because I wasn't in a car pushing mood (is anyone ever in that mood?)

Anyway... interesting fact about Oregon for you non-Oregonians, there is no such thing as a self-serve gas station. Yup, evidently, civilians aren't smart enough to fill their own tanks with gas. Well, UDW isn't... but that's a whole 'nother story. Okay, so it's really not that bad... it creates jobs, so I guess that's a good thing. I still find it kinda funny though... but I'm amused easily.

After a stop at KFC/Taco Bell for a quick lunch, we headed back to Cannon for a walk along the coast. Now, here's the deal. It's not a beach, people here will call it that... but a beach doesn't have rocks... at least that's what I have decided. On a more serious note, the coast here is definitely different from North Carolina.

Why are there rocks on the beach?????

For one, there are rocks, lots of rocks. Number two: that sand could actually cut your feet. Number three: it was chilly! Number... okay, I'm stopping that. It was really beautiful though. There are huge rock formations in the water with monster waves crashing against them. The mountains also come down and meet the ocean... extremely weird to a North Carolinian... I thought Mountains, Peidmont, and Coast were supposed to be separate, haha ;D
We specifically visited Haystack Rock... it was MASSIVE! We took lots of pictures with it... as you can see below.

Haystack Rock

I had to do it... Kyle and I are beast!

The rock needed a hug...

While walking along the coast (I just can't call it a beach), we saw lots of dead jellyfish. Well, more like dead parts of jellyfish. Again, an interesting sight for me... I almost feel as if the Atlantic is boring now... oh wait, you can actually swim in that ocean... forget my last comment ;D

Lots of jellyfish...

We also found a lonely little plant... pretty sure it's a long way from home.

After our hike on the coast, we drove up US-101 to some beautiful viewpoints. US-101 runs parallel to the Oregon Coast and there are some great places to stop for pictures. Again... you can see that below!

One of the viewpoints on US-101

One of the most beautiful views I've ever seen! Look at how the mountains come right down to the ocean. Look at the waves!!! Just amazing!

Needed I prove I was there !

As promised, we patronized Outback for dinner. However, my aunt visited the doctor earlier that day for some pain she was experiencing and she was not able to join us. Since she originally asked me to wear what she calls my peacock dress to dinner, I obliged anyway. We made a quick stop by their home and I changed into my peacock dress (I'm warming up to the term) and we headed to dinner.

Of course I ordered a massive steak (although not as big as my cousin) medium rare... and devoured the whole thing ;D. We had some great conversations at dinner and it was great way to celebrate Kyle and Steve's birthdays. Happy Birthday again guys!

Well that was pretty much it for the day, but I am exhausted!!!! It's draining the last of my energy to write this blog.

Should be more tomorrow... I think we are visiting Washington Park.


1 comment:

Chelsea said...

haha sounds like fun! i love that picture of the lonely plant:)