Wednesday, January 7, 2009

DAY SIX- 1 October 2008


Well, to start the day off on a lovely note, I woke up 45 minutes later than I had planned. So, I rushed to get ready... I'm talking 15 minutes and I'm ready. It's a good thing I was getting used to quick showers anyway. When I finished getting ready for the day, I decided to head over to the main cabin for breakfast (if there was any left). I headed downstairs to the door, only to find that I'm LOCKED IN!

Yes, it's possible... I got locked INSIDE my cabin. I couldn't believe it. I tried all the doors, and nothing was open. I was absolutely stunned! Some of the doors were even padlocked, this was some serious stuff. Since the windows all had bars on them, there was no way I was getting out that way. When my stomach started growling, I decided I couldn't wait for them to find that I wasn't with them... so I opened a window and shouted.

For those who know me... you know that is not a quiet ordeal. I have a pair of lungs on me... they came in useful for softball throughout the years. Anyway, I shouted so loud that my own ears were throbbing in protest. I tired "HELP!" "Yo, look at me, over here" and the names of my team members. Nothing happened. Evidently they were having a party and couldn't hear me. Luckily, one of my team members walked outside for a minute... so I called out his name. When he got the gist of my situation, he went inside, still shaking his head. However, help was on it's way.

I still can't believe they forgot about me. ;D

Anyway, I grabbed a quick breakfast of french toast and nanasi (pineapple). We headed out around 8:30am and arrived at CHC at 9:30. Around 10am we went for a hike. Most of the female team members and I went with the kids into the mtaro(valley) between the milima (mountains).

Check out for my blog post from this day. I have inserted the text from it below:

First of all, I want to say to my family, friends and boyfriend … this place ROCKS and I am never coming home! Okay, just kidding but seriously, this place is insanely amazing. Now for a disclaimer: It is late here, and I am tired, so this is going to be scattered.

Today, we went on a hike. And when I say hike, I mean HIKE. We travelled through the mtaro (valley) between two milima (mountains). Jeff and Jennifer led the way for us. The hike was rough, especially for those of us with troublesome knees but it was an adventure I will never forget. Halfway through the hike we got an amazing view of the ‘V’. And we ended our hike at a waterfall. The maji (water) was non-existent but the kids told us that when it rains, there is a beautiful waterfall. Here, the kids took chalk and wrote the wageni (visitors) names on the rock walls. Again, I don’t think I have seen that much beauty in my entire life.

But what I really want to tell you about is the watoto (children). These kids have so many good, strong characteristics (for lack of better terminology). While we were hiking, the kids were trying to help us. Sometimes it was hard to climb up the smooth rocks without falling… and every step of the way, the kids were offering a hand to help. They also pointed out different plants and rocks to warn us against potential danger (and itching). Not only were they helpful, we didn’t hear one word of complaint from any of the children on our THREE HOUR hike. Or, if one of the team members fell or tripped, the kids would say “sorry, sorry”.

You know, the characteristics I saw were not only on our hike. When groups get up to lead vacation bible school for the kids, they are so attentive. It really seems like they are interested and excited about what we are doing. They are also really excited about teaching us all Swahili (hence the words above). As for worship (which of course, really hits home for me)… these kids need to teach US how to worship. They attempt to learn the words apart from worship time… and are always asking us to sing and dance with them. I LOVE IT! I could praise all day with these kids.

Okay, I don’t want to take up a whole lot more time… so, only one more thing. Tomorrow is my wonderful mother’s (37th) birthday… cough cough. So, I want to wish her a happy birthday, all the way from Kenya… I love you mommy!!!

P.S. Rick says you have caught up with him again! (so he is 37?)


A few extra notes on that hike... I fell down TWICE. And my backside kinda hurt for a while. I also rolled my ankle in order to keep from falling a third time. I know, sad.

Along the way, I talked to Jeff and Jennifer the most. I found out that Jeff wants to "teach the people of Kenya about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior". It was so encouraging to hear that. I will continue to check in on him and see how he is coming with that. However, he is only in highschool... so he has a little while. ;D

When we finished the three hour hike, we went back to CHC for lunch with the kids. As wageni (visitors) we got our food first. When our team sat under a tree to eat, all the kids came to join us, it was pretty cool! We ate rice, beans and potatoes cooked by Elizabeth, the school's cook. She was so excited we were eating her food and she was so careful while cooking so we wouldn't get sick. The food was so delicious, but the portions were enormous. Evidently, lunch is the main meal there for most people. But of course, we all brought back an empty plate. I mean, it was GOOD!

As it turns out, visitors have never eaten with the kids before, so the pastors were really touched. And I bet the kids enjoyed it too... at least, I know this kid did. ;D

By the way, this was a school holiday... but the school still cooks on these days so that the kids get a meal. I thought that was pretty cool. It's part of the sponsorship thing.

After lunch was VBS. The team for this day did an amazing job! For the health lesson, the kids learned fitness. They learned basic stretches and simple fitness techniques, but then they got to play soccer. I'm sure that was their favorite part. While I watched them play soccer, I talked to Jennifer. Her and I had a pretty good conversation... although it was one-sided... when you let her, that girl can talk! And I was so glad, I loved listening! (which is weird for me... lol)

After VBS was done, we went into the chapel to dance and play games. The kids loved playing with us and teaching us how to do some of their dances. It was so much fun to learn! Of course, I can't resist anything that involves praising God through music and dance!!!

When the younger children were sent home, Jennifer and Jeff stayed to teach me some more Swahili. I learned a lot (hence all the words I have put in this post). The team left for dinner around 5:30pm. Dinner was chicken curry and it was amazing!!!

The debrief was shorter tonight. Most of us had a pretty fun day. I blogged (read above) before heading back to my cabin for kitanda (bed).

The 'V'

I had to be like the boys... it was really hard to get on that rock...

My favorite picture... me and the kids!!!

Some of the homes we passed on the way to the mountains...

Before the hike... the kids love seeing their pictures...


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