Friday, September 12, 2008

The move...

This year, my younger brother went off to college. Well, not really off to college since he attends NC State, just like his Big Sis. (Please don't tell him I said that...)

Anyway, he moved out of my parents house for the first time, and doesn't plan to come back. Well, I, after planning to not come back, moved back into my parents house. For the summer, I shared a bedroom with my sister Bailey. But I felt like it was time for a change (more like I couldn't get internet in the bedroom over the garage). So, I moved into my younger brother's old room.

Bryce lived in that room for almost 14 years of his life. Needless to say, it felt sort of weird to move all of my stuff into his room, but he is okay with it, so I guess I should be too.

The point of all of this is to say that... I have now lived in every bedroom of my parent's house (excluding the master of course). I find it odd. When we first moved in, my younger brother had the first room on the left, I the first on the right and Brianna and Brandon (my older siblings) were above the garage.
After my mother remarried, I shared my bedroom with two other girls. That didn't last long and I took over my older brother's room (after he left of course). Then, this summer I lived in my older sister's ex-room. Now, I inhabit Bryce's room.

Of the four of us that started here, I'm the only one that changed rooms like that. I'm beginning to wonder if it's a character flaw. Maybe that I'm just not satisfied with what I have, and I think the grass is greener on the other side. Not sure, but I'll start working on that if it's the case.


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