Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The many things I can't do!

Recently, I have noticed that almost everyone has some sort of list on their blog. I didn't want to be left out, so here is my list.

It is a little bit different than the other blogs. My list consists of things I wish I could do, but have actually tried and FAILED!

This is not to be pessimistic, it's actually just really funny and I thought y'all might get a kick out of it.

1) Whistle
2) Roll my tongue (I know it's genetic... so no hope there)
3) Moonwalk
4) Flip (that one hurt)
5) Raise a single eyebrow
6) Wink
7) Whistle...
8) Cross all four of my fingers
9) Crush a can on my head
10) Swim above water
11) Whistle...
12) Burp my name
13) Cry on cue
14) Chug a two liter of soda (that one hurt too)
15) Whistle... did I mention that??

Okay, so I know it's a little ridiculous, but all of those are things I really wish I could do. And the whistling thing just really gets to me.

That's all for now, maybe next post will be serious. (right...)


1 comment:

Brandon said...

I bust out laughing at the image of you trying to wink. I can just see it now, both eyes closing, wrinkling forehead and just sheer frustration on your part. Next time I see you I need to see this LIVE!