Monday, January 16, 2012

A trip down memory lane. (December 13)

Rusty brought in a trunk that I packed up before I left for the West Coast. I got to go through an trunk-full of memories! I had to make some decisions about what to keep (and ship out west) and what to throw away. It was hard to throw away things like my trophies (from high school) but I figured that once I have kids, the only trophies I will want to display are his/hers. Either way, I took some pictures to help me remember.

This was the start of the adventure. So much stuff!

A few of my game balls, nice memories but no need to keep them around now.

A senior award from Marching Band.

All the items I decided to get rid of, it wasn't nearly as hard to throw this stuff out as I thought it would be.

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