Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Personalize your snuggie! (February 26)

So I had a whole bunch of t-shirts laying around that I don't wear anymore. I can't get rid of them though because they mean something to me. Some are shirts for my favorite sport's team's victories. Others are from high school clubs, others still gifts from people that are important to me. I know I'm not going to wear these shirts anymore, so what is the point of keeping them? Memories of course, but what to do with them?

A lot of people make t-shirt quilts. I think that's a wonderful idea, but I don't know how to quilt, and if I learned, I'm SURE I wouldn't have the patience for it. So instead, I cut up the shirts and put the important parts on my plain blue Snuggie.

I plan to sew these onto the snuggie, therefore personalizing it. I would suggest that if you want to do this to one of your old blankets that you use an iron and a sewing machine (folding over the edges of the t-shirts to avoid those pesky threads). However, I don't have the patience for folding, and I don't own an iron or a sewing machine. So my finished product will be all sewn by hand and will definitely LOOK handmade ;D

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