Monday, February 23, 2009

Why is the mouth so expensive?

It's a good question... is it not? Recently, I had some trouble with my back upper right teeth... anytime I put pressure on them, they screamed in pain. So, I decided it was time to go to the dentist.

Now, as a college student, I haven't been to the dentist in an extremely long time. I think the last time I had a cleaning, I was a sophomore in highschool... sad, I know. Anyway, I had my teeth cleaned, which went well but then the dentist came in.

Turns out, I have 4 cavities, a broken composite from a previous filling, and I desperately need a night guard. I believed him because he looked so worried. He told me "if you don't get a night guard, by the time you are 30, you will be chewing on nubs." When I smiled... he said "it's not funny..." with a serious look on his face. I was convinced.

Needless to say, I don't have the money for all of that. Approximate cost: $550 (after insurance of course, thank you Dad for keeping me on your plan!!!).

So, I go in to fix the broken composite that is causing me so much pain.... and evidently I have a cavity underneath that and the dentist basically has to give me a new tooth back there. So the one visit =$300.
He informs me that since I have barely any REAL tooth in the back of my mouth it might start to ache on it's own (i.e. without pressure as before). If that happens, I need a root canal.

Guess what!?!?! I'm in pain, lots of pain. I called the dentist this morning and changed my appointment from a night guard fitting to a root canal... big direction shift.

LUCKILY and THANKFULLY, my father is willing to pay for my root canal. He has no idea how grateful I am... because if I had to pay, I wouldn't have any money to make it in Detroit next week... hopefully he will read this and find out just how much I appreciate his checkbook and his generosity ;D

So, root canal at 11am on Wednesday. Then after returning from Detroit... four cavity fillings and a night guard fitting. I'm in desperate need of a steady source of income...


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