Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bed of Nails (November 21st)

Nope, I'm not joking. Well maybe just a little. Ever since I got here (that being NC) I have had a lot of back pain. Eventually it got so bad I was willing to try anything to get rid of the pain. Sitting hurt, standing hurt, lying down hurt, bending over REALLY hurt. So while I was talking to my mom about it, she put on her, "ohhhhhh I know what will help, but you aren't gonna like it" look. Yes, she has one of those.

She brought the bed of nails into my bedroom and told me to lay down on it. It felt weird but really wasn't that painful. When I got up, HUGE relief. The pain wasn't gone but it was definitely better. Below is a picture of the "nails," there are over 6,000 of those little spikes on the mat, but totally worth it!

After feeling the relief, I purchased one from Amazon and sent it to my boyfriend. He has a slipped disk in his back and deals with horrible back pain on a daily basis. He never complains about it (he is one tough cookie!) but any possible relief is worth a shot. Just heard that it helped him quite a bit too! So thankful for that little miracle mat!

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