Monday, August 11, 2008

Yup, I have one too!

So, I decided I would get a blog. I have recently become an avid blog reader (thanks to all the wonderful people at church who have blogs), and I thought, why not take that a step further. So, here I am!

Truthfully, I'm not really sure how these things work. Don't laugh. I'm not technologically challenged or anything, it's just.... oh, who am I kidding.

Anyway, I always seem to be getting into trouble for not keeping family and friends in the loop. So, this is my solution. I don't expect that a whole lot of people will read this, nor do I want everyone to see that I probably should have failed my English classes, but I hope that it will keep me out of trouble. For the time being at least....I'm sure phone calls will still be expected.


andrea said...

welcome to the blogoshpere!!
miss you kid!

Eddie said...

like your life is that interesting to read about....? LOL JK! i look forward to reading it!