Friday, January 23, 2009

Rest of the trip 6 October- 8 October 2008

Rest of the Trip: Monday 6 October through Wednesday 8 October

I'm going to do a brief summary of the last three days of our trip, since a lot of it was just traveling home.

In the morning on Monday... the team got up for a game drive before breakfast. We figured if we were out around the time the sun came up, we would see lots of feeding. There are some pictures below.

We saw lots of giraffes. Most of them were doing this...

LOTS of giraffes...

We stopped at this waterfall to take some pictures.

When we headed down to the lake... we saw a hyena having breakfast... if you can't see the pink, it's a flamingo...

We got a little bit to close to this guy and the park rangers asked us to move...

The lake was FULL of flamingos...


Some poor tour group got stuck... we tried to push the bus out of the hole... with no luck, we offered them a ride back to the gates...

Our main attraction of the day was the leopard that we saw hiding in the bushes...

This must have been brunch for the leopard... only the head was left...

Do you see him?? It was so hard to get a picture... he was definitely hiding.

That night we went to the Carnivore in Nairobi for dinner.

I'm not sure what that is... but I had ostrich, ostrich meatballs, crocodile and chicken gizzard... all of which I had never had before...

This was the lowering of the flag... it meant there was no more meat for our table... so sad ;D

We stayed in the 'hotel' in Nairobi again on Monday night.

On Tuesday we went to the market... which was way more stressful than I expected it to be. I spent LOTS of money there... but I was also pulled into almost every shop and I had a hard time keeping up with Terry... my shopping buddy. But I still enjoyed it. And I left there with LOTS of stuff... hope my family enjoyed their presents...

We left Nairobi by air that night and I slept almost all the way home... I slept on both flights... was only awake for the layover... I think I needed it.

When I got to the airport in North Carolina... I got flowers and a stuffed zebra from my parents... and my boyfriend (at the time) was there as well, which was a wonderful surprise... although he didn't bring flowers... oh well, I was beyond excited to see him!!

In summary, this was the most life-changing experience ever... God taught and showed me more than I could ever imagine. One word. Unbelievable.

Day Ten- 5 October 2008

Sunday 5 October 2008

I woke up this morning and finished my packing... QUICKLY! We pulled out almost immediately so that we could make it to church on time... for a change ;D
Our luggage went ahead to Nairobi while we headed out to CHC.

Since this was our last day passing the equator, so we stopped for a group shot... which I still don't have... hmmm.
But the picture reminded me that today was also our last day to see the kids...

Church was long... I loved it... but it's so much longer than American services. Almost everyone in the building stood up to do or say something... it was AWESOME hearing from everyone. I felt like part of a family.
Today, our team led worship. Dave and I stood in front to lead the actions and Steven played guitar in the background. The rest of the team stood behind us, copying our movements and singing along. The kids stood up and did the actions with us to the song "Everyday".
After worship, Rick spoke on disappointment. He did an excellent job... I had never heard him speak like that before, and I was impressed... it was very engaging.

After church, we did the same thing as our first Sunday. Everyone walked outside and shook hands with everyone else. Only this time... the group was so much bigger... so the songs went on for a long time... of course, I enjoyed that a lot! However, I was also sad. Like actually sad... it's so rare for me, but I could at least recognize the emotion. I saw both Jennifer and Jeff looking very sad.
After the 'ending ceremony' was over... I found Jeff to give him a present. I gave him my bible. He had told me that he wants to share the word of God with all Kenyans... so I told him to take that bible with him wherever he goes to share the word. I started crying... I actually started crying. I have no idea if he understood what I said, but hopefully he got the idea.

After I had calmed myself down a bit, Jennifer found me and gave me a gift as well. So, I started balling... AGAIN! I said goodbye two or three times to both Jennifer and Jeff and all the kids that came up to me.

As I headed for the van, I was way-layed by Jill... she stopped me and asked me if I felt like I was being called... so of course, I burst into tears AGAIN! We embraced for a while and she told me to keep in touch... I haven't done a good job of that, but I'm fixing it ;D

After hopping in the front seat of one of the vans... Jeff walked up to my window. He told me again that he would miss me... so guess what I did, yeah, you got it... I cried! I really don't think I have ever cried that much in my life... It was ridiculous...

I miss Jeff and Jennifer so much... I missed them before the day was even over.

We drove to Nakuru and checked into Sarova Lion Hill Lodge in the game park. We had a quick lunch at the Flamingo diner. Shortly after... we went for a game drive... I can't imagine being more in awe of God's creation than I was on that game drive. I have never looked at animals that way... and I have never been up close to animals like that either... words can't describe.

Our main attraction was the lion that we followed down the road for almost 15 minutes. Seriously, that lion would not get off the road... it just walked lazily down the road in front of us... I couldn't believe it... but I guess the animals there are used to Vans disruption their environment.

Told ya... I have about 12 of these pictures...

When we went back to the lodge, we watched traditional African dancing. In one of the dances, the performers pulled in audience members... so of course, I got to participate. I couldn't believe how much fun that was!!! I had no idea what I was doing, so I just copied my 'partners' moves and smiled a lot. It was a blast!

The band...

The female dancers

oops... that one is sideways...

Do ya see me in there... my skirt kinda matches the dancer's skirts...

Dinner was a wonderful buffet but I headed off to bed rather quickly.

I spent about an hour talking to God about how much I miss those kids... and then, I was out!


Day Nine- 4 October 2008

Saturday 4 October 2008

Well... I woke up this morning feeling okay... Pam made me eat something and hold it down before we left... but she didn't want me to miss out on the day, so that was her only requirement. ;D
One other team member left the site early the day before, but since she was feeling better, we both decided to head to the site again today.

However, Rachel and I made sure to take it easy while at the site. So, when we got to CHC, Rachel and I sat under the tree by the church for about a half hour. When people came up to the site, they greeted us and SMILED big time!
Rachel and I talked, shared sick stories... got invited to the goat slaughter... and watched the men and boys build the last soccer goal.

When it was time to present gifts to the kids at the home... Rachel and I decided to go. The children had prepared games and dancing for us to watch and participate in. I stayed for musical chairs and a dancing session before I started feeling really sick again. Rachel left with me and we headed back to the clinic. We missed out on tug-of-war and a presentation of awards from the home to the kids. Of course, we also missed watching kids get gifts from their sponsors.

Musical chairs for the boys

Dancing Session...

In the clinic, I laid down on one of the beds. I fell asleep and didn't wake up until the ceremony was about to start. I made it outside, feeling a little better, just in time to grab a seat.
The ceremony was a lot of people talking... I wish I could have paid better attention, but my head was still throbbing at that point. They did ask the team to stand up and introduce ourselves again... and again, the translator said that my name is "Bread."

Shane and his family...

Traditional dance at the ceremony...

Afterwards, we moved into the chapel for our feast! As the wageni (visitors) we ate first. It was soooooooo much food! I had chicken, goat, ugali, lentils and what someone told me was chapate. And of course, we bought soda to go with our food. I loved everything!!! But I couldn't finish it all... I gave my leftovers to one of the kids that was at the back of the line.

I think at one point that was our goat.

After our feast, Jeff found me and gave me a gift... evidently he had been looking for me all day while I was laid up in the clinic. He gave me a black and green beaded bracelet that Jill bought in Nakuru. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! I was so surprised... and I still wear it... all the time.

Jeff and I walked over to watch the older boys (and the men on our team) play some volleyball. I really think they enjoyed having their own court... they sure got a lot of use out of it on that day! I didn't get to watch for very long when it started raining... my entourage and I walked back to the vans, because I figured we needed to head out before the roads muddied too much.

Since we left early, I took a half hour nap in my cabin before we headed out for dinner. I started taking Cipro for whatever it was that was plaguing me... and it gave me a headache... so I tried to sleep it off.
For dinner, the team went out. We all ate at Taidy's, not too far from our cabins. I had peppersteak (recommended by Rick) and it reminded me of America's food. Needless to say, I enjoyed dinner very much. Shane's family hung out with us for dinner as well. And before we left, I danced with his boys... taught 'em a few moves ;D

At Taidy's!!!

After debriefing and hearing a devotional from Lisa, the team members split to pack and get some sleep.

Our last day at Cheppema Hope Center in the next post!!!


Day Eight- 3 October 2008

Friday 3 October 2008

This morning we went up to Cheppema early for the school's opening ceremony. I think I mentioned before that the Kenyan flag flies while school is in session. So, this is the ceremony where they raise the flag.

The kids stood in a sort of chorus formation... they sang songs and clapped their hands. Then a few boys went to the pole to raise the flag. After the flag was raised, everyone headed to the church for some morning worship. I really enjoyed listening to the kids and teachers worship God and give testimonies. The music those kids made with their voices... I will never forget that sound!
The dancing was pretty amazing as well. The ceremony/worship ended with prayer and the students headed off to class.

The team started on the clinic's records, trying to fill in the missing data and update as much as possible. Other members of the team were instructing the teachers and other Hope Center workers on how to use the computers. Since all the computers were being used, I didn't really have anything to do. So, I walked around for a while and started taking pictures.
I was actually really glad to have the time to enjoy Kenya's nature. It was a great time to talk to God about what He was teaching me through this trip. It had been a gut-wrenching and awe-inspiring week for me already and I needed some time to debrief the happenings with The Big Man Upstairs.

I played with the kids again during recess. I really would have thought I would be TIRED at this point... but the exhaustion never came. Those kids were just so excited about everything, it rubbed off on me!
After the first recess, I went into the grade 8 classroom to watch Gilbert teach. He was talking about the United Nations... in Grade 8!!!!! I don't think I learned about that until... actually, I don't really think I ever LEARNED it... It might have been taught, but I don't think I was paying attention. Either way, I'm sure that I didn't hear that in grade 8!

After the school broke for recess again, i had chai with some of the teachers in their small office again, but this time I drug Terry along with me. Terry and I chatted with the teachers while we drank. We our hosts left, Terry and I stayed for a while to finish our tea and had a look at the sample final tests the students take. The scores on that test determine whether or not the students make it to highschool... and let me tell ya, I never would have gotten there, much less to college. That test is HARD. And there were questions about three different religions, including Christianity.

Lunch was much the same today, except that we were provided with SODA!!!! I can't tell you how excited I was to see Coke... and I won't drink that in America... LOL!

After lunch, I started feeling extremely tired and sick. I took some medicine for a headache and layed down for a while.
I got up to do worship with the kids for VBS, but I made sure to sit down during the rest of VBS. I still felt a little weak.
When I started feeling better, I played a game of chase with one of the younger boys. He enjoyed it immensely, and so did I. I haven't been that free in a really long time.

We left shortly after my game and had dinner back at our 'residence'. Since some of the highschool, college and driving school boys had come home for the weekend (you have to go to school to get a license in Kenya), they joined us for dinner. I sat with one of them and had a wonderful conversation. He taught me some more Swahili and told me about his schooling experience.

When we headed back to the main cabin for our de-brief, Rick sent me back to my room. At this point I was really sick, I was shivering under a blanket in a warm room. I didn't argue, I headed back to my cabin and climbed into bed. I was feeling nauseous, hot and cold and weak.
After an hour or so, Pam came to my bedside and took my temperature... 101.2. I rarely get fevers, so I don't really know what is normal for me... but the fever itself is unusal. Pam had me take some medicine and I went back to sleep.

Pam and Rick and some others were having a meeting downstairs in my cabin, but I was OUT! Before they left, Pam checked on me again... and told me that if I got any sicker to talk to Natacha. Well, bad news for Natacha... I got physically ill later in the night.
Fitful night of sleep, but I still got some...

The next morning was better... but that is for the next post.


Catch up on my life!

Wow! I feel like it has been forever since I posted about something other than Kenya. Not to say that is a bad thing, but I definitely feel like I need to catch you up on what's going on in my life.

Since I am a sucker for lists and organization... that's how I'm going to do this:

1) I am no longer dating. I know, I know... I should have called you and told you myself, but I don't have THAT many minutes on my phone... so please cut me some slack. However, I will tell you that I do not have any hard feelings about this. I am 100% okay. I know that most people won't believe me when I say that... but it's true. And my ex (wow that sounds really weird) is still an amazing man. You will NEVER hear me speak a bad word about him, and I hope that you won't either. I hope that our friendship remains intact (it's possible...)

2) I joined a Campus Crusade Bible Study this semester. I have really felt like I am slipping when it comes to digging into God's word... so I'm hoping this group will help keep me accountable. We met for the first time this last week and I am so excited about what God has in store for me through this group! I have a WONDERFUL leader and some really great girls in there!

3) I am currently serving with a group called Student Venture. This group is a sub-set of Campus Crusade for Christ, and they reach out to high school campuses. Recently, Student Venture came to Raleigh. When I joined up, they mentioned that they wanted to start SV on Cary High School's campus. That was a light bulb moment for me. I knew that I was supposed to help this ministry on Cary's campus. Anyway, this is all brand new to me and I am really excited about what God has in store. Prayers are appreciated in this area. AND, my plug, we need guys to help us out desperately!!! We will do anything (within reason) to get some strong male leaders to help us out!

4) I recently obtained an internship at a church called Connections in Raleigh. I am so excited about the opportunity that awaits at this church. Right now, the church is very small, but they are growing, FAST. I am interning in the children's ministry and they are ready to throw me in there and get started. My first project, worship! I'm really excited, and also a little nervous (I know, weird for me.) So, again, prayers!

Okay, I think those are the high points for now. Be ready for an increase in my blogging activity... because I get the feeling a lot of REALLY cool stuff is about to happen!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

DAY SEVEN- 2 October 2008

Day Seven

To start the day, I woke up at 7:30am. I went to breakfast around 8, because the van was leaving at 8:30am. However, we ended up not leaving until around 9am. The boys had left earlier in the morning to get stuff done... and us girls showed up late to the site, ya know, in true female fashion. ;D We said a prayer before we left for CHC because we felt that some of the issues surrounding it should be addressed.

We we got to the hope center, I went inside the clinic to blow up balloons for the VBS game. When I finished that, I started taking pictures of EVERYTHING. I felt like I had missed out on what we had been doing and the people we were surrounded with. So, I tried my best to document it all.

When recess hit at 11am, we played with bubbles, again! I still can't believe how much fun bubbles are... I can't believe I didn't recognize that before I went to Kenya. However, I shouldn't be surprised that these kids taught me something else. Sometimes, I feel like all I did over there was learn from those amazing children!

After recess, I drank tea with one of the teachers. Her name is Madame Alice. We talked for about an hour and a half. And we talked about EVERYTHING! She asked me questions about American culture, which I did my best effort to answer truthfully. It sort of made me realize how little I know about the society I live in... guess that means I need to get out more ;D When I would answer her questions she would say "WOW" and then tell me how different my answer would have been if I lived in Kenya. It was pretty great to get some one-on-one time with her. I got to see how much she really loves her country, her job, her family and the children she teaches.

When Madame Alice had to go back to teaching, I realized what time it was, mostly because my stomach growled. The team couldn't find me... so they didn't call me to lunch, my stomach was not happy about that! When I got there, I tried to scarf down my food. I decided to cut up a banana for my sandwich... so one of my team members handed me a knife. After using the knife to cut my banana... I find out that this certain team member had taken the liberty of licking it clean earlier. Ewwwwwww! That was the least I could say. I won't spill who that team member is... but they know... maybe someday they will come forward... doubtful.

However, after being locked in the cabin Wednesday and then that (after NOT calling me to lunch)... I'm starting to think the team is doing to me on purpose, and my step-dad is probably coaching them on how to do it well! Okay, I'm just kidding, but seriously... pick on somebody else tomorrow ;D

After lunch we played frisbee with the little kids during their lunch. It was more like tackle soccer frisbee but it was REALLY fun. And I was glad to see that some of the male team members were able to take a break from construction to play with the kids. Boy can those kids play! (And RUN!)

During worship... Dave, Stephen and I tried out a new song, I am Free. It was a HIT! The older boys actually asked us to sing it again! That definitely changed the whole dynamic of worship. Those kids were praising God with everything they had. I couldn't believe what it felt like. It almost made me cry, almost. If it were up to me, we would have done the song over and over and over and over again. But, I think at that point we would have a finger-less guitar player. (Thanks again to Stephen for being so willing to lead worship everyday!) I was so glad I picked that song for worship on Thursday, and to think my other worship leaders didn't want to do it... tsk tsk ;D

As for the rest of worship, the kids were picking up on the words and actions so well... they didn't even need the help of Dave and I up front. I can't describe what an amazing sight and sound that was.

VBS was again excellent!!! And I hear that the game with the balloons went over VERY well!

As for the craft, the kids got to decorate little treasure boxes. We explained to them what the boxes were for, and they were really excited. Some of the kids drew pictures, others just colored and quite a few put a Kenyan flag on the top of their box. I was blown away at how much the kids enjoyed decorating the boxes. Each child had their picture taken with their box, name facing the camera... so now we have a picture of all the kids, along with their names.

After VBS, Jeff handed me another sheet of Swahili and English translations. I was starting to feel the pressure... We had to leave shortly after VBS so I didn't get a chance to practice, but I made sure to study before I went to bed.

The team had dinner and a debrief, again a pretty good day for us.

Before bed tonight, I found out that only one person commented on my blog... but then I remembered at how computer challenged my mom can be... so I wasn't TOO dissappointed. ;D
I also got to play indoor volleyball with some of the team members. I'm not sure how to describe it... other than... well... interesting... and a little scary.

Then, it was time for bed so that the next day would come that much faster.

This is one of my favorite pictures!!!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pictures from Day Five

I know it's a little bit out of order... but here are the pictures from Tuesday...

Stop at the Equator

Had to be on both sides

Preschool Classroom

